Why Laravel-PHP Application Framework is here to stay for a long time

Why Laravel PHP Application Framework is Here to Stay for a Long Time?

Among the most popular frameworks that are available for PHP web development, Laravel is considered to be one of the best frameworks that helps the developers to create feature rich websites.

PHP is the best suited programming language that has powered more than 20 million web domains, that suffices the needs of small as well as corporate businesses. The large community of PHP also assures that the issues get resolved in the minimum time possible.

Laravel 5.6 has come up with many upgrades made in the previous version and developers have started to rely on this PHP framework due to its high readability and rich functionalities.

So, what makes Laravel so popular? Let’s discuss some of its key features:

Template Engine:

Laravel framework is very popular due to its built in lightweight templates that help to create amazing designs by seeding the dynamic content. Together with this, it also offers multiple widgets that incorporates the JS and CSS codes with solid structures. The templates are also very innovatively designed so that simple designs can be created with distinct sections.

Responsible Interface: 

Another major feature of Laravel is its responsible interface. A class that implements the interface can now be returned from the controller method. The router then checks for an instance of the responsible interface. This automatically responds with JSON when it is requested through AJAX.


Laravel also offers an integrated tool called the Artisan form the command line and it allows the developers to do the most tiresome and repetitive task that many developers try to avoid doing manually. These artisans can be used to develop a skeleton, the database structure and also develop their migration and this makes it easy to handle the database system.

It can also be used to generate the MVC files by using the command line and manage the assets and their relevant configurations. It helps the developers to build their own commands and also do things conveniently.

MVC Architecture Support:

Laravel supports the MVC architecture and ensures clarity between the presentation and logic. The architecture support helps in enhancing the performance, provides multiple integrated functions and also allows better documentation.

Object Relational Mapping:

Laravel PHP framework offers the Eloquent ORM that includes a simple PHP Active Record implementation. This helps the developers to issue database queries with the PHP syntax without writing the SQL code.

Every table in the database has its corresponding Model and it is through this that the developer can interact with the table. The ORM is also faster than any other PHP frameworks.

Unit Testing: 

Developers usually prefer to use Laravel because it facilitates unit testing. This framework is able to run various tests and ensure that the changes made by the developers do not break anything in the application unexpectedly. Laravel development has stable versions in the industry and solves any bugs and failures quickly.

Object Oriented Libraries: 

Laravel is also preferred because of its object oriented libraries and many other pre-installed libraries. These are not found in any other PHP frameworks.  The authentication library is easy to use and also comes with recent features like Active user checking, CSRF protection, Bcrypt hash, Password reset and Encrypted and etc.

The framework is also divided into modules that adopt the modern principles of PHP and allows the developers to create modular, sensitive and practical web applications.

Single Server Task Scheduling: 

If you have an application that is running on multiple servers, then you can now limit a scheduled job that can be executed on a single server. To indicate that the specific task should run on only a single server, you may use the onOneServer method while defining the task.

The first server that will receive the task will secure an atomic lock on it so as to prevent the other servers from doing the same task on the same Cron cycle.

“All the features that are mentioned above makes the Laravel PHP framework so popular and preferred by the developers. With every new release and version coming up, the framework is becoming richer with new features and functionalities.”


  • PHP is the most popular scripting language for many different reasons flexibility, ease-of-use, among others but often times coding in PHP, or any language for that matter, can get rather monotonous and repetitive.
    That’s where a PHP framework can help.
    Thanks for sharing knowledge.

  • Laravel is one of the most demanding and famously used PHP web application framework. Having a feature of developer friendliness, this framework brings a long list of advantages to their developers. Lovely blog, thank you for sharing with us.

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