DApps (Decentralize Apps)

DApps and Its Influence in The Mobile App Development Industry

Most online users are familiar with ‘Apps” which refer to software applications that define a particular goal.  Opposed to the widespread software models that are centralized, decentralized applications provide a smoother and quicker operations that are also free from centralization.

DApps are apps whose client server models are decentralized and the technology is also referred as blockchain technology.

Bitcoin has gained a lot of popularity with features like peer to peer technology and these features provide as the building blocks for creating new type applications like DApps and this has also affected the mobile industry to a great extent.

Such apps are known for distributed, transparent, flexible features along with having a better structure than the present software model.

Now the question is whether or not it will be able to bring in transformation in the conventional mobile app development industry?

DApps have already made inroads into various industries like the healthcare, education, real estate and the legal field and it will soon have a great impact on the entire economy that surrounds the mobile development company in India.

It has changed the existing mobile business models so as to become more customer centric and respect the user privacy.

A DApp (Decentralize App) Offers Some of the Main Features that are:

Some information and protocols are stored in the blockchain and it is protected by cryptography.  The decentralized apps are usually open sources and it has an algorithm that predicts the overall network governance.


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Classification of DApps: 

One of the main ways of classifying the DApps is through whether it has its own blockchain or they rely on any other DApps’ blockchain. The three types of Dapps are as follows:

Type 1: These Dapps have their own blockchain and the examples are Bitcoins, Litecoins and other Alt coins

Type II:  These Dapps base their applications on the type 1 and they are protocols and must have some tokens to function. e.g the Omni protocol.

Type III:  They use the protocol of type II and they have the tokens for their proper functioning.  For example, the SAFE network

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 How DApps can Revolutionize the Mobile App Development Industry?

DApps will definitely have a great influence on the mobile industry because it represents a better way to protect against cyber-attack than any other latest technology because of its distributed architecture.

It has the potential to do away with the various online payment methods of today that are cumbersome, slow, over-priced and have security issues. 

When the transactions are highly visible in the ledger of the distributed architecture, iOS or Android mobile app development in India will be much streamlined, safer and considerably faster.

Increased Security:

The nature of decentralized applications provides for greater levels of security and because a DApp always supports a distributed ledger, attacking the network is often expensive and this increases the security naturally.

 Unprecedented Transparency

The transactions that take place using the distributed architecture or any information logs are easily verifiable.

 The Future of DApps:

With the blockchain technology evolving at a rapid pace, mobile app developers will now be able to build more user-friendly, useful apps over this framework. If the underlying technology of Dapps is correctly deployed, then it will surely open up new roads to cost effectiveness and collaboration.


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