
Birthday Goes Greener This Year ~IDS

Since a birthday signifies the beginning of a new life, we decided to celebrate the memorable time by gifting a plant to the employees on their birthday that represents eternal life.

Who doesn’t long for a clean and healthy environment? But making a healthy choice is important. And IDS Logic made the difference by taking a small initiative of “Go Green”



Our teamwork approach and little steps taken together helped us to create a “culture of conservation” within our community.

We believe that incorporating green initiatives into the workplace will help in healing the world and making it a better place “for you, for me and entire human race”.


  • This is really a very good initiative. I think this should be a part of corporate India’s CSR to initiate such healthy activities and make the employees aware about the air pollution and natural ways to combat it. All the best. Keep going IDS Team. Kudos !

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