How to Enable RESTful API in Sitefinity Backend

A RESTful API is an application program interface that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data.

The Sitefinity CMS web service API is made of RESTful web services.


Follow Below Steps to enable RESTful API in Sitefinity Backend


1. Go to Administrator and Click on Web Services Tab


Restful API in Sitefinity 1


After that you will see Create a Web Service screen.


2. Create a Web Service


Restful API in Sitefinity 2



Restful API in Sitefinity 3


After that click on Create the service button and it will show you the Create a Web Service screen and now it is ready to use. After this, click on Use in your app.


Restful API in Sitefinity 4



Related Blog: Bind Data in React JS Using RESTful API


Contributed By

Manoj Singh

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