iOS App Development Trends

iOS App Development Trends That Developers Should Know in 2019

Apple always played a great role in bringing a change in the iOS platform and with every year the platform is becoming all the more sophisticated. Every day various companies are developing more technology oriented applications that are based on the latest iOS trends.

With the long awaited iOS 12 release, many new key features have been introduced that make the operating system even more reliable and competitive.

There are many new technological advancements that have spurred the iOS app development and are likely to rule 2019.

Here in this blog, I will discuss with you some of the-


Latest iOS App Development Trends that will Set the Tone for the Future Mobile App Industry


Siri is About Artificial Intelligence:

Apple released its AI personal assistant Siri and it has gained worldwide acceptance. This has allowed the iOS developers to work with Siri using voice. There are various benefits of integrating SiriKit with your app that includes hands free use and access from the lock screen. The Siri shortcuts suggest actions that the user may want to perform by using an app.

It helps you to determine the actions in your app that are suitable for the users and what they would prefer to do in the future. iOS apps tell Siri about these actions by specifying relevant shortcuts.


The Power of AR and VR:

These two technologies have already transformed the gaming industry and is now creeping its way into other market segments like the entertainment, retail and travel. AR became prominent among the users as an engaging virtual content. Most iOS mobile apps that are developed today are built with AR /VR integrations.

Apple’s AR is now persistent, shared and even more engaging than before. With the ARKit2, the users can now create a piece of AR art easily and it also enables the developers to create multiplayer games, which was not possible earlier. The ARKit2 and the SceneKit will enhance the development of stimulated environment apps, thereby making it one of the top iOS trends for the year 2019.


Top Technologies That Will Bring a Change in Software Development in 2019


IoT App Integration: 

IoT applications are revolutionizing the means by which we communicate and iOS development company should identify the importance and potential of creating applications that can help to communicate with internet enabled devices.  Apple has introduced a highly secure IoT ecosystem that is called the HomeKit, thereby bringing in numerous opportunities for the mobile app developers as it helps to connect with any IoT device.


Hire iOS App Developers


The HomeKit allows the users to communicate easily and also control connected home automation accessories and configure them.  iOS app companies should start creating apps that add value and also increase the functionality of the apps and offer a satisfying experience to the users.


Cross Platform Apps and Swift5:

Apple’s Swift is now considered among one of the top programming languages that is growing rapidly. With more than 350,000 apps written in Swift on the App store, it acts as a replacement for Objective-C and has also become a go to language for developing native iOS apps. The language is praised for its huge advantages like scalability, simplicity and safety and has a bright future in 2019.

“So, if you are planning to create an iOS app, then quickly check out the latest trends for this year so that you can develop something that the users are expecting to see.”



  • thanks for sharing this ios development trends which should be known by each and every one ios or apple users.

  • Well written!
    Thanks for sharing this article.
    This article will help developers to know the latest trends of 2019 so that they can provide better ios app development services.

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