Latest PHP Development Trends of 2018
PHP is considered to be one of the most popular and simple to use server side scripting language. With more that 82.4% of all websites using PHP development, it has also become the popular choice for developers in 2018 as well. There are many frameworks developed to complement it in various ways so that they can cater to the basic structural needs of the developers who can use coding standards and guidelines to stabilize and standardize products and processes.
PHP is an open source language that is most efficient and cost effective. It is easily embedded with HTML and also provides a positive advantage over other scripting languages.
Main PHP Frameworks:
1.Laravel: The Laravel framework will stand above all the other frameworks that are listed and will continue to stay at the top this year. It offers excellent documentation, growing community support, robust features which makes it a winner.
2.Symphony: It has been considered by the developers for its high performance, stability, well documentation, and modular project. It defines MVC and the standards make it easy to detect errors and also write high quality code.
3.Codelgniter: This has gained popularity due to great libraries, modules, documentation, templates and also community support. It is simple and convenient to use and offers templates to work with a database that are similar to SQL syntax.
4.Yii: This is one of the best frameworks of PHP and it facilitates the development of any application. It is known for its fast and flexible nature and supports high extensibility with high security. Its new functionalities, changes, features and bug fixes attract the developers.
5.CakePHP: This is one of the oldest frameworks of PHP and it has an impressive portfolio that comprises of big brands like BMW and Express. It has a built in code generation together with a scaffolding functionality that helps to increase the development speed and also offers various packages to carry out general functionalities.
IoT solutions:
IoT technology is gaining popularity day by day and it is a complex system using 3 layers. Due to speeding coding and dynamic nature, PHP is best suitable for the IoT infrastructure solution. PHP7 is also the first step towards asynchronous programing. This means that PHP code can now simultaneously carry out several tasks in the same script.
Best for Startups and Small Businesses:
It is said that by 2025, more than 50% of the US enterprises will run more than 10 applications and since PHP is fit for developing enterprise apps, it is the most preferred choice for fast growing companies. As the organization grows bigger and handles huge amounts of data, it has to compile the PHP codes with C++ and Java. But the language proves to be a good option for tech startups as it is open source and PHP developers are also available at affordable rates.
“In brief, the PHP community is very happy with PHP 7 and the functionalities of the latest versions that it offers for projects of all scales and description. The re-engineered features are all compatible with the trusted data source and can help PHP developers all over the globe.”
Thank you for sharing this blog post about latest PHP trends. Looking forward for more.