New SEO Options to consider in the New Year
New Resolutions are inevitable in the New Year. Same goes for those involved with SEO. The old methods have become obsolete yet you cannot discard them completely. This is the time to try out new ones and ensure you have a good time doing that.
Google has made Reporting and Transparency imperative. We all want an account of all the advertising money we spend. Advertisers will be able to find out from next month onward where this amount if being diverted. How much was spent on AdWords, how many ads appeared and how many times were the ads viewed are certain questions these professionals will be able to answer.
Microsoft and Yahoo announced a Joint Venture. Both the Bing and the Yahoo Search Engine are set to go places. A lot of work is being done on these two engines and scoring on them becomes very important. The more websites are optimized keeping these two factors in mind the better it is for overall prospects.
There is a Facebook like button out there. The button can be added to one’s website. Visitors click on the button, the content on the site is invariably shared with the Facebook account on the visitor.
These are certain facts to consider while optimizing websites this year. Work done on them ensures you get the chance of a lifetime to explore all the new options available to you over the web and get to show your prowess over there. These are some very promising options that ensure productivity reaches its highest echelons.
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