SEO is A Time Consuming Activity
SEO is a monitoring & reading activity and totally depends upon the contents, structure of the website, no of total pages, domain age etc. so it is time consuming activity. Search Engine Optimization is a continuous process, depends upon the update in search engines algorithm. Each search engine have own algorithm technology. The search engine like Goggle loves unique contents with unique title tag, unique description Meta tag.
MSN gives higher appearance in search results for those having high link building popularity and good title and description, Yahoo gives importance to description tags etc, therefore a site may rank high in one search engine and lower in another.
Not anybody’s can say that SEO technology will always remain stable; it may change and improve as per the new search techniques and ideas. If an expert or SEO Company guarantees you about number one position for life time then that is a tip off that they are not really an expert.
Today’s Internet market is very competitive and if you want to command the internet market and want to become leader in the market; you should be always ahead of your competitors. In the internet marketing if you stop doing SEO activities then you may or may not remain in top 10 to 20 results. It is totally depends upon how much competition do your business have.
For example suppose my company is offering web development, web hosting and internet marketing services and in today’s date Search Engine Optimization field is very competitive. So for SEO Services keyword today I am in top 20, but it is possible that I may not remain in top 50 results in future. But if you have less competition then your results will remain stable which helps you to increase the chances of appearing in top search engine ranking results.
Therefore there is no way to guarantee specific search engine rankings over a duration of time because constant “algorithmic” modifications within individual engines can cause placements to rise, slip or be lost all together.
As per my experience, SEO is a time consuming activity. In this field, results are not immediate, just conduct Search Engine Optimization activities and wait for few days or month to know results of your working. I found that Google updates its database every three month or may take more than or less than three months also and that’s why you can see changes in Google Page Rank for every 3 months. Search engine ranking positions into SERP changes of every search engine daily or weekly and it’s depend on how much competition the given keyword have.
Contributed by:
Manoj Gupta
Internet Marketing Consultant
Great content is where it all starts. You can have all the keywords in the world, but if your content is no good, people won’t stick around on your site and search engines won’t find your site valuable.