Effective Tips to Manage Application Support Services and Reduce Costs
To stay competitive in the market, business owners are looking for every opportunity to improve their efficiencies and productivity while enhancing the quality. Keeping the development teams working to serve the growing business needs and challenges are in fact a full time job and with advances in Agile practices and DevOps, things are more complex and needs expertise to create an improved flow of work and automate the delivery pipelines.
But such tools need regular maintenance and support or else, it can become very costly and difficult to manage the core business.
In order to keep the applications working perfectly, the development teams need to focus highly on the application maintenance and support services, so that there are no break fix issues, and the upgrades, patching, escalations and plugin or extension support activities are carried out on a regular basis and this also requires specialist skills.
There are businesses that simply don’t have internal resources to handle the support effectively. Additionally, the IT staff members can be hired, but at times it can become expensive and come will management overheads. Application support also can fluctuate with time.
Here are Some Ways to Manage the Overhead of Application Support Process:
Outsourcing the Website Support and Maintenance Task to Expert Companies:
Many mobile app support and maintenance needs expertise which may not be available internally and for this, one has to hire contractors who can offer the flexibility and can meet the demands accordingly. Taking control of the software development costs from the very beginning might help and for this you need to build a team having the right skills, experiences, and personalities to allow a highly productive culture that can keep the software on track.
Overhead costs usually start if the project gets delayed, but with the right team you can handle the bugs that needs to be cleaned up.
Define Both the Functional and Non-Functional Requirements:
Every development project is different and it requires to have someone having technical knowledge. Mapping the technologies that you have used in your application, programming languages and some design principles can help to make the process a lot easier.
Stating the functional and nonfunctional requirements can help your application support team with easy access to the requirements and link the features of the application within the prototype.
Improved Software Architecture through Microservices:
Microservice architectural style is an approach that helps to develop a single application as a suite of many small services each running in its own process and communication often with an HTTP resource API. The services are built around the business capabilities and updates to a single service does not need the entire application to be redeployed.
Also Read: Issues You Might Face If You Neglect Your Website Maintenance and Support Service
Bugs can also be resolved faster when developers access the application over different codes and also through parallel automated testing.
Cloud Adoption:
To manage your application support process effectively, adopting cloud based technologies have proven benefits, one of which is minimal support costs when compared with managing your own hosting infrastructure. Though you have to maintain the administration, the cost to maintain the core infrastructure can be considerably reduced.
When a business need not maintain on-premises technical team for the infrastructure or application, they need not hire any personnel to maintain them. Cloud solutions are also seen as a vehicle that allows the next generation technological innovations like AI, IoT and Big Data to be used appropriately.
Also Read: Ways How You Can Improve Your Web Support and Maintenance Services