React Native and Flutter: Which One is Best for Your Business?
Do you have plans to invest in mobile application development, but not very sure which cross platform development technology will fit your business needs and budget best? There is a plethora of frameworks to select from in the mobile application development and two titans of the industry include Flutter and React Native. Undoubtedly both the cross platform frameworks have their own benefits and limitations and at the same time these technologies are leaving many business owners in a big dilemma as to which framework best fits their app idea.
So, to help you take the best decision, we have covered the answer so that you can take a better and informed decision.
Overview of Flutter and React Native:
Flutter is a popular framework which is developed and supported by Google and offers advanced software development kits to the mobile app developers. The framework helps the developers create natively compiled, beautiful mobile apps by using a single codebase. It has acquired 94.9 starts on Github.
React Native is a well know cross platform framework which is chosen by about 42% of the developers to create mobile applications, it is supported by various big brands from all across the world which includes Expo, Callstak, Microsoft and Software Mansion.
When it comes to developing cross platform application, both the frameworks are quite similar in terms of popularity and both have huge community support, they are almost equally ruling the community. React Native development platform was launched in the 2015 and Flutter in 2018, so React Native enjoys a bigger community and users. On the other hand, Flutter is supported by Google so it is safe and many catch up with React Native soon.
Also Read: How React Native Development Helps to Reduce Overall Cost of Startup Companies
Programming Language:
React Native app developement is a more familiarized framework among the developers as it is based on JavaScript whereas Flutter is based on Google’s in house language, but is a good option especially for beginners in the app development process. So, when you hire a cross platform mobile app development company, it is important to understand the expertise of the team on a particular programming language. Since React Native uses Javascript and Flutter uses Dart, and Javascript holds importance in the modern app development environment, so many prefer to hire a React Native Development company.
Both the technologies are easy to code and supports great reloading features, but follow a different installation and configuration process which creates a difference in productivity. Both Flutter and React Native support the hot reloading feature to enhance the efficiency of the developer. Flutter is an advanced software and can be easily installed and run to check internal issues whereas React Native is also quick to install but it creates a package.
Learning Curve:
React Native is based on JavaScript and so the developers are familiar with it. Flutter is comparatively a new language for the developers, so it needs additional learning efforts. From the developer’s perspective, React Native is comparatively easier to learn as JavaScript is a programing language that has been around for the past many years and many users are familiar with the language. But with Flutter, developers need to extend their learning capabilities and understand the varied aspects of the platform.
Also Read: Is it Healthy to Invest in React Native for Startups?