Tips to Create Multilingual Websites in SharePoint
With the rise of the internet and ecommerce, websites have become global in nature and it is also becoming increasingly relevant to create multilingual sites so that business owners can target a wide range of audience. Anyone from any location can easily access the site and gather information from the site if it is in multiple languages. To boost sales and production, enterprises must make their online presence multilingual, so that everyone can read it irrespective of their language.
SharePoint is a popular collaboration tool and it is used by many organizations to share their documents and maintain consistency in everything that is published and shared. Creating a SharePoint multilingual website development can help a wide range of users to use the website efficiently. SharePoint also comes with various tools to support multilingual deployment. The SharePoint server multilingual site features allow you to work in multiple languages and offer content to the users in more than one language. the features offer:
- Navigation on the site in a preferred language
- Create, manage and read the content if multiple languages
- Collaborate easily with people in different languages in the same application
- Search and browse the web content across a company by using their preferred language
- Manage the personal sites by using their regional language
The Different Ways by Which You can Provide Multilingual Sites for the Users:
SharePoint website owners can create Multilanguage web development different from the one that was used to install SharePoint:
If you are the server administrator and can control your own SharePoint server, then you can install language packs and configure it to handle the languages that your organization needs. In case you are using SharePoint Online, the language packs are already installed and MUI features will allows the users to change and display the language for the site and create sites in languages of their choice. It is really easy to provide alternate languages in SharePoint.
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A Multilingual User Interface can be Created to View the Site in Their Preferred Language
This is a great option on which the site is created on one language, but it can show the user interface in another language based on the preference of the user. SharePoint can’t translate what you need and knowing this, Microsoft has provided the guidelines of creating multilingual sites. The key is to automate the pages and create the site for each location using the “source –target paradigm”. In this approach, there is a single master site where the content is created in a default language and then it is queued for translation to the desired languages for support.
The variation feature can be used to publish content available in different languages on different sites.
This SharePoint features help to create a source variation site, which is used to author the content in one particular language and then sync with the content to one or more target variation sites where it is translated and consumed in other languages. This variation feature does not affect the site administration pages or even the user interface. It affects only the content that is present and you can create the variation sites in multiple languages and you can easily enable the multilingual user interface for the users who create the content for the variation sites.
Thus, to conclude, it can be said that managing a multilingual SharePoint environment is not an easy task, but it is only with proper planning and the right strategy that you can work for your organization. Before you start with the multilingual language web development process, check your potential website users to determine the language requirements and then create a list of sites and the default languages that you may need.
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