Magento 2.2.5 Release: A Quick Look at The Updates
Magento has come up with it latest version Magento 2.2.5 on June 27th, 2018. The latest release is here to fix certain issues and also come up with latest security enhancements. Both the Magento Open Source 2.2.5 and Magento Commerce 2.2.5 have been released so that website owners and merchants can easily upgrade to the new versions and avail the best benefits out of them. The latest release is said to have overcome the errors and the bugs of Magento 2.2.4.
Here in this blog, I will offer you a quick overview of both open source and ecommerce and the improvements that they have come up with. It is suggested that you update to the latest version as soon as possible.
Magento commerce and open source 2.2.5 highlights:
- Improvements are made that secure the XSS, SQL injections and cross site request forgery vulnerabilities
- Issues that the customers were facing while upgrading to Magento 2.2.4 has been solved
- Improvements in various core bundled extensions
- Considerable improvement to indexing performance
- More than 150 community contributions
Significant improvements to the core Magento code:
- Merchants and Magento store owners can now run both the catalog search full text indexer and the category product indexer in parallel by store view, and this will reduce the execution time when you run Magento with multiple shared catalogs and store views.
- Refactoring of the catalog full text indexer has improved the indexing performance by 15% for very huge profiles and product catalogs with various configurable options.
- Improvement in the behavior of swatch product attributes has enhanced the search result page performance by about 31% for catalogs having many configurable product options.
Contributions from the community:
With more than 150 community contributing to the fixes, here are the most important ones:
- In the previous Magento 2.2.4 version, customers could not populate the desired fields to create an account from the Order Confirmation page. Magento displayed an error. But now customers can easily create them.
- Magento can now apply the coupon codes correctly that exclude the bundle products.
- While sorting simple products, Magento can now consider into account the catalog promo price rules
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Magento Shipping highlights:
- Merchants can easily select carriers to use for the returns and also send a return label together with forward fulfilment with the core returns.
- Batch processing will now increase merchant efficiency and automation by making it easy to process large volumes of shipments in batches.
- Collection points will now allow the customers to designate a drop point besides a residence for delivery by carrier.
CMS content:
While working with the media gallery, merchants and publishers can easily delete the files and folders that are symlinked in pub/media. Previously the files and folders that were symlinked could not be deleted as they had a validation check that confirmed whether the file was outside the media directory path. As realpath resolved symlinks to actual paths, the checks failed if in case the actual path were outside the base path. This prevented the action from getting completed.
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