Mobile App Development: How to Optimize Application Performance

Application optimization is the key to offer an exceptional user experience when hiring mobile app development services.


Enterprise applications are as important as having a business website. Today, users are more inclined to apps and therefore offering the required ease is important. App optimization is an important part of overall mobile app development service that enterprises must ask for when hiring similar services.

App optimization is important not only in terms of maintaining app performance but also avoiding expensive resources by hiring fewer but skillful professionals.


Optimizing the performance of applications will help to solve many issues.

Right from codes that are outdated or not written well to limited testing environment, optimization ensures that the app has been developed keeping all the required measures in the mind in order to offer an exceptional experience to the users.

Therefore, optimization offers a positive impact on the business.

Here is more on how eCommerce business can improve the performance of applications.

1. Code Optimization

When improving code or revising it, removing unnecessary and outdated codes is important. Examine the code thoroughly to identify unnecessary calculation, and resource intensive process further to employ efficient algorithm.

2. Optimizing Database Queries

By enhancing database query performance, the application response times becomes easier to reduce. The optimization technique is good to avoid unnecessary data collection.

3. Asset Optimization

Compressing product as well as service images will help to reduce the size of asset, which will ultimately reduce the loading times as well. Using formats that offer superior compression capabilities will help to optimize site loading speed.

4. Testing Performance

Regular performance testing is essential to access the effect of optimization while identifying issues in performance. It is also important to evaluate application’s scalability with regular testing performance.

5. Using Analytic Tools

Using Analytic Tools will help to keep a real-time check on application performance in addition to analyzing the business data further to rectify the performance issues.       

6. Memory Management

Maximizing memory usage will help to avoid memory leaks as well as maximize memory use. It is advised to employ memory-efficient data structure.   

7. Optimize Mobile Performance 

There are device specific optimization techniques that could be installed for optimizing the performance. Techniques like battery life setting and resolution can be taken into consideration.

8. Ongoing Improvement                               

Introducing optimization techniques from time to time will help to boost application performance from time to time. Introducing new and innovative technologies will help to remain abreast of the competition.

Let’s Have a Broader Look at Application Performance Optimizing Approaches

1. Code Inspection

For every renowned mobile app maintenance service provider, code inspection is essential. There are effective tools to inspect code in order to identify memory as well as performance issues. While using such tools they can be utilized for finding out recommendations on how to improve performance.

2. Caching

Caching is used to store static data for easier data retrieval. There are various caching libraries that could be used for similar purposes. However, it is a good practice to select an optimal way of caching that suits the business requirement. To protect against memory leaks, these caching techniques can be employed.

3. Optimizing UI/UX

User experience optimization techniques are the most essential for mobile app development companies. User experience can either make or break a company’s reputation for the user, depending upon the experience it offers to the users. Because of the similar reason, it is important to offer an experience that is liked by the users and an interface that is impressive to use.

4. Optimizing Website for Better Conversion Rate

Conversion rate is an important consideration for ensuring business success. In order to keep the conversion rate in the favor of the business, providing user specific offerings is important. Right from website usability to the interface for the users, every minute element will count when ensuring optimization for the users.

In the Conclusion

There are various strategies available for mobile app development company in India, which they can implement for better app performance.

From all the optimization techniques available, the requirement of the business may differ as per the need of the users as well as the specific company needs. Therefore, it is important to choose techniques that suit the business the most and help to generate profit as well.   


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