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  • Location Noida
  • London
  • Leeds
  • USA
  • Durham
  • Spain


“Business Pages is an online Directory that helps small businesses to be found by the local people easily and get a job. It helps them to get a chance to fight against the big brand rivals. Since it operates any time of the day, you can find exactly any service providers that you are looking for. The site helps to choose the best service provider and also allows the local business owners to easily showcase their services and products to people in need of them.”

Business-Pages .Net based website


  • The client was looking to create a site that could help the local people and the service providers of various sectors ranging from accounts to wedding planners to easily find each other without any trouble.
  • It was important to highlight local businesses in directory searches and return a list of specific service providers based on the search keywords, categories or location.
  • The challenge was to attract more and more visitors and serve them the best opportunities to get their job done.
  • The main aim was to improve the life of local people and reducing the hassles of finding a perfect service provider for their specific tasks at reasonable pricing.


Solutions that fulfilled the Business page’s requirements

  • We developed and designed the website and offered a perfect Business Directory that helps both the local people and the service providers.
  • Our developers used .Net 4.5 development framework as it offers features like reliability, security, reuse of code and other components.
  • We helped our client to empower the customers with easy business listing services that could transform the efficiency of the prime business process, reducing the cost and relieving pressure while improving the overall experience.
  • Our developers also created a function that identified the locations through geolocation feature and displayed the top and latest categories available in that area.
  • The site is responsive, allowing it to be easily accessed over a variety of mobile devices.


Made it Easy to get listed in the directory & enhance visibility

  • Local business providers could now easily get themselves listed in the directory and enhance their visibility and target a wider market audience.
  • On the other hand it became easy for the local people to find specific services at cost effective rates.
  • Many people can benefit from the site and the number is expected to rise as more are listed.
    It ultimately fulfilled the purpose of the site
.NET Development-Case-Study-Business-Pages

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