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“Dependable Trading is one of the biggest suppliers of lighting in the U.K. The company has been offering services to its global clients for the past 20 years. Initially, it sold the products through Amazon, but now the company has come up with its own ecommerce website. with leading brands like Philips, Duracell. Energizer and many more as its clients, the company has a huge range of products for both commercial and household fittings.”

Dependable Trading Magento based website
Dependable Trading Magento store


  • Given the hard launch date, there was little room for any errors. For this, our software consultants had a discussion with the client to understand their specific business goals.
  • They were looking for a partner who could create for them an ecommerce website that was fast, scalable and efficient and ensured that all the features and functionalities made it easier for the users to purchase their products.
  • Having served its clients through a normal website, the company now wanted to develop an ecommerce shopping site on a fresh theme that could offer a better user experience to the customers.
  • To target more visitors, higher sales, offer online shopping convenience to the customers, creating a feature rich website was essential.
  • Since their target markets speak, English, French and German, they wanted a multilingual website according to their audience base.
  • A mega menu, advanced search options, filters, quick load time and smooth browsing are all that Dependable Trading demanded for their business growth.


Solutions that fulfilled the Dependable Trading’s requirements

  • IDS Logic initially conducted a meeting with the client to understand their specific requirements and analyze the areas that needed focus.
  • The website was developed on the Magento 2 platform because of its rich features and functionalities.
  • The website was built on a paid theme that offers advanced features and also comes with a Mega Menu.
  • With more than 5000+ product combinations, the product filtering system was highly complex, but we developed it efficiently
  • We created an advanced product filter that helped in quick sorting of products by the customers based on their specific needs.
  • We developed a multilingual site and included French, English and German languages for visitors to quickly navigate and switch translations.
  • Clean codes were written and designed so that the site loaded in less than 3 seconds, which was indeed a great achievement for such a huge store.
  • The website was highly optimized for performance to allow more than 10,000 concurrent users from various locations to access the site without affecting its loading time.
  • It is mobile friendly, so that visitors could use their own browsers and devices.
Technology Given
CMS Platoform
Front-End Technology


The conversion centered designs and features, attracted and engaged visitors and revenue

  • The new ecommerce site helped Dependable Trading to focus more on their clients, helped them in purchasing, viewing products all at the comfort of their home.
  • The site with conversion centered designs and features, attracted and engaged the website visitors.
  • Users could easily filter the products and view only the ones that met their specific requirements.
  • The new Magento 2 ecommerce site was a great way to leverage their strengths against the market competition.
  • It helped them to target newer market base with a multilingual site and hence increased their sales and revenues.
Dependable Trading case study

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