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Best Mobile Marketing Apps for Every Marketer

With business organization allowing employees to bring their own mobile devices in the office for an easy means of communication, software development companies are also focusing more on creating various apps that can help marketers make their life easy.

Today, there are numerous applications for your smartphone, tablets and the functionalities of these apps are ever expanding. This is great news for the marketers as it means that they can now easily download an app and make their office jobs easy.

Mobile Marketing Apps

As a modern marketer, it is very important for you to reap massive benefits from the mobile app development revolution. Useful software is increasingly becoming available and the tools help with various tasks like tracking campaign metrics, access information easily irrespective of your location and take informed business decisions and also manage company social network activities.

Some important apps those are essential for all marketers:


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As a marketer, you are supposed to plan for your next campaign idea at any time of the day, whether before going to bed or stepping out of a movie hall or when out with your friends. Evernote is a great means to capture your notes on the go and the mobile app allows you to have access to the latest information. It will help you to keep updated on the changing landscape of marketing.


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This is a cloud based social media monitoring app, which makes it easy to create social media updates and post them simultaneously to multiple accounts. By using this app, you can now easily monitor your mentions and direct messages on Twitter and even schedule posts that can go live in the future.


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This is a fantastic and very useful tool that is used for file sharing and collaboration. It becomes the folder in your hard drive and you can upload your file and even share them with your team. The best feature of this app is that you can keep files that are too large to be sent via emails and give access to others so that they can view them.


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As a marketer, it may not always be possible for you to remain in the office to attend meetings. You may be travelling when there may be an urgent meeting with your client. GoToMeeting is a mobile app that allows you to hear the presentation and also see the presenter’s screen. Instead of calling for meetings when you are not in office, you can now easily see them from your mobile device.

AnalyticsPro 2:

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This allows you to easily generate reports in an organized manner divided into eight sections like Visitors, Traffic sources, Summary, Content, Ecommerce and many more. This app is optimized for iPhone and iPad and you can authenticate it to access from more than one Google account and easily switch between them. The reports can be mailed as PDF files.


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This is an RSS news reader that allows marketers to access information from favorite sites and blogs at one place. All the content is delivered directly to your smartphone, enabling you to catch up with various websites quickly. Feedly offers helpful features that include a “popular” section on top of each feed that ensure that the content is not overlooked.

Social listening:

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When it comes to marketing in the social media environment, it is very important for you to listen what people has to say. This helps you to measure your reach and keep informed about the latest trends. It also allows you to act immediately on a negative comment by any unsatisfied customer that can damage your brand’s reputation.

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