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Reasons to Choose Swift 5 for Building Your Next iOS App

Over the past few years, iOS app development industry has made a terrific growth in terms of the technical advancement. It is utilizing the top programming languages to help you in delivering the finest iOS apps for a business. Swift is amongst them that is the leading choice of the iOS app developers.

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Swift is recognized as a popular programming language for building innovative iOS apps all across the globe. If you want to heighten your business growth, then it comes with all the capabilities to build a world-class iOS app efficiently. Just like other languages, it keeps on updating its version with features enhancement.

Swift 5.0 and 5.1 are the two new versions that are creating a lot of hype in the iOS app market. This is because of its advanced feature set that will prove valuable at the time of iOS app development process.

Top Features of Swift 5

Some of the striking features of Swift 5 programming language that you need to know:

  • ABI Stability– ABI (Application Binary Interface) Stability eliminates the need of the users to download all the coding for your app during the installation.
  • Up-to-date Libraries- With new libraries of Swift 5, you will get higher level of flexibility to initialize a code array.
  • Better Package Manager- The Package Manager will provide plethora of features of functionalities such as customized deployment, dependency mirroring, and lots more.

Benefits of Swift 5 for Building iOS Apps

Here are the main benefits for using Swift 5 for your next iOS app:

Builds Smaller Size Apps

One of the biggest reasons for picking Swift 5 is that it helps in building iOS apps that are compact in size. This is because it removes the need to add Swift libraries as these are already present in the release of iOS, macOS, watchOS etc. This results in the size reduction of the apps.

Improved Performance

For the success of any iOS app, it needs to deliver a high-grade performance to the users. But, when it failed to do so, the users start uninstalling it, thus, leading to a higher bounce rate. With Swift 5, this problem can be addressed very well as it comes with ABI stability that helps in boosting the performance of your app.

Top iOS App Development Trends to Watch Out for in 2022

Faster Load Time

Always remember the fact that higher the libraries the more will be the launch time of the app. This can be fixed when you have all the libraries available in the operating system. The good news is that Swift 5 has added all the libraries within the OS that has contributed towards the faster load time, and an enhanced user experience.

In case, if you have an iOS app idea in mind, then choose a top-rated iOS app development company that can build a winning app for your business. Make sure that they have the team that stays abreast with the latest tech stack that are used for developing flawless apps.

Summary: Swift is an intuitive programming language that has been used for developing iOS apps for the business. It has launched its latest version that is Swift 5.0 and 5.1 that has given a boost to the iOS app development industry.

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