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“TechnoSchool is a leading education provider that provides quality computer education at an affordable cost to schools. The website is offering a variety of courses to increase the technical knowledge of the students and helped their budding minds with better learning opportunities. ”

technoschool Multitenant Moodle LMS solution
techno school Moodle based website


  • TechnoSchool was searching for the Moodle development company to help them in creating a multitenant Moodle LMS.
  • They needed an expert who can create custom developed Multitenant Moodle LMS that provides a better learning experience for the students.


Solutions that fulfilled TechnoSchool’s requirements

  • Being a leading Moodle LMS service provider, we carefully understand their requirements, and delivered a solution in sync with their needs.
  • We have a team of expert Moodle developers who worked with dexterity throughout the development of Multitenant Moodle LMS.
  • We created a Multitenant architecture that allows the main administrator to create multiple “tenants” and allocate users to each of them.
  • Within Multitenant structure, all the functionalities are similar for each tenants but users and Courses associated with tenants may be unique to each tenants.


Customized the project as per client’s requirements

  • We have successfully built a Multitenant Moodle LMS that offered Multitenancy feature that will be useful for both the admin and the students. We have provided a fully-functional Moodle LMS for the website that runs efficiently.
technoschool- custom Moodle development solution

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