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Educational Broadcasting Cambodia (EBC) is a non-profit organization that bridges the MPTC’s ever-growing online system infra-architecture with MoEYS teaching pedagogy to deliver modern and interactive E-Learning system services that can be accessed anytime and anywhere with any device.

zebracollective-Moodle LMS based project
Moodle-based website Zebra Collective


  • Zebra Collective had a Moodle-based website and they were looking for an effective solution to upgrade their website faster. They need an upgrade solution that causes no loss of data throughout the entire process.
  • They wanted a trusted LMS development company that could offer them customized and upgraded Moodle LMS solution to deliver a flawless user experience.


Solutions that fulfilled Zebra Collective’s requirements

  • IDS Logic has upgraded Moodle core and added 20 custom developed legacy Moodle plugins.
  • Since legacy plugins were not compatible with the new version of Moodle (i.e. Moodle 3.8.2, we upgraded all the 20 plugins, so they don’t throw fatal errors.
LMS Platform


Customized the project as per client’s requirements

  • We have successfully upgraded their website to latest Moodle version with no loss of data.
  • With the plugins upgrade, the website has started delivering flawless functionalities to the users.
  • The final result that we have delivered is a highly upgraded and feature-packed Moodle website.
Moodle Updgrade project- Zebracollective

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