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Adobe Commerce Shifts the Release of Magento 2.4.4

Magento is a renowned eCommerce platform that keeps on releasing its new version at a regular point of time. This year also Adobe Commerce has planned to release Magento Open Source 2.4.4 on 8th March, 2022.

Adobe Magento 2.4.4 Release Date Shift

But, now, there has been a slight delay in its release. If you all are geared up for the Magento migration, then you’ve to wait a little more. This decision is in the best interests of the merchants. There are new security updates available for them. It is suggested to implement them timely to fix the security-related glitches.

The pre-release period for Adobe Commerce customers will begin on March 29, two weeks prior to the general availability date of April 12 for both Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source. This date shift has been planned to ensure the fact that the latest Magento version should render the highest standards of security and quality.

To get more updates, you can visit the official website.

Published By– IDS Logic Press Room

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