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A Look at Common Drupal Problems

Whether you are seasoned Drupal expert or a fresh Drupal developer, you are bound to face issues, some time or the other. This may lead to spending hours discussing the problem with your seniors and then getting it solved with the right information. But if you are smart, then make sure that you are aware of the common problems that you might face after developing an application and that it may take only a few minutes to resolve the issue. In this article, we have decided to share with you-

Common Drupal Problems

Few Common Problems that Drupal Developers Face & their Solution

You have no login details but need to access the Drupal site:

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This may happen in cases when you don’t have the administrator password. You may try to reset the password, but if the email of the administrator is invalid, then it may be a tough task to get the password. What should you do then?

To generate a one-time login link, you can use Drush. The only thing is that you should have server access and that Drush is installed. The command to be used is “drush uli” and it will then output a one-time user login link for the site.

Users having the edit page content cannot edit the pages:

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There may be chances that the nodes the users are trying to edit may be in an input format and they are not permitted to use. So check the input format of the node and if its “Full HTML” or “PHP Code” then they won’t even see the edit tab. For this, you need to either change the input format so that they can access it at “admin/settings/filters”. Also check that the user has permission to edit that node, “admin/user/permission”.

Images within post disappear after publishing:

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This problem may occur and it is likely to be related to the “Input Format”. If the node is set to default settings” Filtered HTML” tags like object, img, script etc, then it will be stripped out. So assign the role in question access to the “Full HTML” input format or create a custom Input Format and include the tags that you want.

Getting the white screen of death:

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This is a common error that developers man face while creating an application. The screen turns blank and in case you encounter it, you should read the tutorial and enable the error reporting to find the source of the issue.

System or module doesn’t function accordingly:

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Since Drupal is an open source platform, Drupal developers can use numerous themes or modules to create an application and they are constantly developed with community contribution. So the modules and themes are prone to errors and unexpected results. In case if you encounter any errors you can immediately report to the community before making the app live. You can either Google search with the exact errors you have encountered. You can also check the Drupal.org website or independent blogs containing solutions to the problems.

Slow site performance:

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You may notice that the site is very slow when made live. One of the basic things that you need to do is to enable caching and compressing the JS and CSS files. The settings can be done in /admin/config/development/performance page of your site. This will help you to improve the site load time.

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