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Sharepoint 2016: A Look at the Improved Features

Every business organization has to share numerous data and information with their employees or partners so as to create better business strategies or take more informed decisions. To manage unorganized documents, files and to create records and reports, it is important to adopt latest technology that enables easy content management, file sharing, collaboration and web publishing.

SharePoint 2016 Improved Features

Microsoft introduced SharePoint, a web server technology that can be used by various companies to effectively handle the tasks of document management strategies within the organization.

SharePoint is an effective tool that offers a rich experience and helps business owners with improved content management, higher levels of extensibility and integration. Microsoft has officially made Sharepoint 2016 beta version available to all of us and it has come up with lots of new and enhanced features that can really make a difference in your business.

Some Improved Features of SharePoint 2016

App launcher and UI changes:

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Sharepoint 2016 introduced the App launcher and has also made significant changes to the UI so that it matches the Office 365 experience. This global navigation allows a seamless experience for certain apps like OneDrive, Yammer and Delve. Users and developers can pin their own sites and even extend the app across Office 365.


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Microsoft has come up with usability testing for the tools and these simple controls are integrated in the UI as defaults and there is no need to click on the ribbon. The latest version is supposed to bring some additional layer of people centric features and most of them in Office 365. Videos and images will be now available in libraries with a single click. OneDrive has also improved the synchronization for sharing and talking file offline.

Zero Downtime patching:

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NO viewers are interested to see emails saying that the servers are down for maintenance. With Zero Downtime, the users will gain much benefits and getting 99.99% availability is possible with SharePoint 2016.

Cloud inspired infrastructure:

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The latest version has seen the most innovation and it is likely to be different than what it used to be earlier. Changes are made to make SharePoint easier and faster to manage by the IT pros in charge of the Office 365 servers.

Improved auditing and reporting:

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New DLP, improved security for mails, Data encryption techniques are introduced and new compliance features include the document deletion and in-place hold policies.

Increased file size for uploads:

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With SharePoint 2016, you can now go beyond the 2GB limits for files. Though there is no limit, Microsoft recommends you to stay at 10GB, as end users might get disconnected or even get a time out while uploading huge files.

Fast site creation:

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You can now use a template that allows creating Site Collections in a second. SharePoint 2013 takes almost over 40 seconds at times.


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You can now install a single role that you want on specific SharePoint 2016 servers. This will install only what is required and it will ensure that all the servers that belong to the role are compliant. You can also convert the servers to run new roles according to your needs.

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