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Tips to Improve Sales on Your Magento Store

For businesses it is not always easy to experience the sales they anticipate. So, if you are running an online store and are looking for ways that can help you make the most of your e-business model, then here we bring to you some simple tips for your Magento eCommerce store that can help you improve your business performance.


Cart Notifications can Come Really Handy at Times

It has been often observed that some of the Magento eCommerce stores experience issues with their mini carts due to their default themes. Visitors find it difficult to move ahead, towards the checkout box. This is because many a times, the Checkout button tends to disappear if a particular product that a visitor is ordering goes out of stock.

Now, even if the product stops being available, the user can not see the same in the mini cart and the product still appears in the mini cart. In the absence of any notification, the visitor may not have any idea why proceeding ahead to the Checkout is not happening.

While the full cart gives the visitors such notifications indicating that the particular products are no longer available, there is no information as to how to get back the checkout button.

A complicated scenario! Isn’t it? Well, don’t fret as this issue can be fixed by adding instructions. Yes! Instructions or notifications are all you need! Set them to let the visitors understand that they need to remove that item from their shopping cart which has become out of stock. This way, they will get the checkout button back.

Suitable Coupon Code Application for Less Cart Exits

There is no denying the fact that many people exit carts as they may be tempted to go for Coupon Codes. In order to take care of the problem, eCommerce stores should have in built dialog boxes which can help the audience with the much needed explanation on how can a coupon code be applied instantly. Through this simple step, one can reduce the number of cart exits from their stores without purchases.

Go for ‘Redirects’ to Experience More Sales

Website users should check their Catalog, and visit the ‘Search Terms’ section of the Catalog. Here, one can find a grid which contains all the search terms that have been used on the website. Apart from viewing these, the users can even edit them.

This way, one can easily set synonyms of the most widely used search terms, or of any term, for that matter. By doing this, website users can fix the spelling mistake issues that are often faced in internal site searches conducted by the visitors.

In fact, Magento developers can also seek help from Magento, asking them to return any URL that the website users and/or administrators want by setting redirects. With the help of this action, one can easily redirect related search queries to an appropriate category.

So, what else do you need? Just go for these three simple steps and provide a hassle free shopping experience to your store visitors. Enjoy more traffic to your Magento store and better sale conversions.

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