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Why PHP Is a Good Choice for Startup Companies?

If you have planned to launch a startup company then there are numerous things that you need to consider. The first and foremost thing is the cost of developing a website. Since with initial startup business, there are always some budget constraints, business owners try to minimize the cost and effectively utilize the money by investing in various strategies that are profitable.


One such strategy is to invest in a technology that offers great features and functionalities especially when starting a business from scratch. It is here that choosing PHP development is beneficial as it is a matured programming language that powers some of the most popular websites like Digg, Wikipedia, Facebook etc.

Though there are numerous development platforms, each offering a wide range of features to create a website, programmers and business owners keep returning to PHP. This post is about the reasons behind the choice:

Easy to learn: PHP is much easier to learn and once you are able to understand the language, there is no need to refer to the manuals ever few minutes regarding its feature and security options. Many popular CMSs like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla are written in PHP and so startups using these CMSes often gain extra benefits of choosing PHP.

High speed: PHP is considered to be one of the fastest languages to code, deploy and even execute. The PHP architecture is developed around the philosophy of built around quick turnaround. The language was designed for finding the shortest path to web development and the framework offers ready to use, easily configurable, out of the box bundles and libraries to arrange for a ready to use solution. The content management features and the ecommerce tools allow the developers to dramatically reduce the path to the final product.

Big community support: Another prime reason why PHP is best for startups is its big size of community that supports it. From ecommerce to photo galleries to blogs, developers can easily use tens of thousands of lines of code that are already tested.
This allows the business owners to reuse the code and bring the product months earlier to the market. In case of any problems or errors, the huge community is always there to support without wasting much of the precious time.

Huge library: Successful programming is all about processing of data and a good data processing language should always have a large standard library. In this case, PHP has always scored as it has lots of support for database drivers, HTTP fetching, URL parsing, regular expressions.

Highly cost effective: From business budgets, hiring perspective and finding an expert team to work on your project is very easy with PHP development. You will easily find PHP developers at a cheaper price and since the language can be quickly learned, a vast resource pool is available.
The dynamic open source environment can be downloaded for free and there are also some powerful frameworks and tools available for free that include the unit testing PHPUnit Frameworks, Composer dependency manager, integration tools like Capifony, Deployer and etc.

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