Following tips can assure you about good relationship with your offshore partner:
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After having good experience and working explicitly in the outsourcing area, we have come up with the proven strategy which really works. IDS Logic has put in place an effective outsourcing model with world-class service and timely delivery to its global clientele. Our offshore customers, across a range of verticals, have benefited from increased productivity, sales, customer satisfaction and business value. IDS Logic has realised that relationship will not continue if both will not be in a win-win situation. To avoid this, IDS has taken the following steps
Even putting efforts in various stages there could be instances, where it may not fulfil end customer’s expectations. Technically that should be treated as “change request”. However we understand that there would be cases where our partner would find very hard to charge the customer, in those cases we understand our partner’s expectation and don’t charge to our partner excluding exceptional cases.
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