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Sitefinity Vs SharePoint

Sitefinity Vs SharePoint:Judge the True Value

With so many scenarios and choices before you, when it comes to choosing a web CMS, how do you understand which one is the best for your organization? Most of the CMS differ in terms of function as some are developed specifically for easy blogging, others for eCommerce and etc. Every business knows that without a powerful tool to manage your content, you will only be fighting a losing battle
Since every CMS vary greatly in their functionality, flexibility and their complexity and have their own advantages and disadvantages, we will only try to compare two most popular platforms – Sitefinity and SharePoint.

Let’s See What Makes Sitefinity More Popular Than the Other These Days

    • Basics:
      Sitefinity by Telerik is a great CMS product that is used by various associations for its scalability, ease of use and integrations. With countless new features and functionalities, web managers can easily personalize the content and allow you to dig deep and create amazing websites that are simply a dream to manage and update for the managers, editors and even the developers.SharePoint, developed by Microsoft is a web development platform that has its own set of tools that can help to share, organize store and access information easily. When it is endorsed as the best CMS, many people may think that it is a one stop shop for all their content needs. But in reality it falls short in various areas.
    • Flexibility:
      Sitefinity offers immense flexibility and extendibility and can be easily customized according to the needs. It is geared for managing content effectively of a public website. SharePoint is extremely hard to customize stylistically and visually. It is basically designed for niche situations and to manage document repositories.
    • Multilingual support:
      This feature is available with Sitefinity with its entry level editions, but there is an associated cost with every language you want to add with SharePoint.
    • Ecommerce:
      Commerce can run independently in Sitefinity and it can also be integrated at varying levels with the business organization to offer a better eCommerce experience to the user. SharePoint does not come with out-of-the box eCommerce functionalities and is not designed to support such functions.
    • Pricing:
      Another great advantage of Sitefinity is that it is a great product that enjoys great future. Overall, it offers a more flexible licensing and pricing that fits various customer requirements. But SharePoint is a cumbersome product that is overpriced for its various functionalities and major shortcomings. It has some features that are really good, but it is very difficult to customize them.
    • Connectivity to SharePoint:
      Sitefinity’s Connecter for SharePoint is a great advantage for big companies that rely on it as their intranet solution. This allows the management of the resources through Sitefinity.
    • Technical skills:
      It can be used effectively by users and developers as the technical skill needed is not very high. But with SharePoint, you need high level of technical proficiency for both network analyst as well as developers.
    • Mobile web design:
      It offers a unique mobile experience for ecommerce and personalization and the enhancements in the version 7 has taken this module to a new level.
    • Upgrading:
      If an organization’s network architecture doesn’t follow the specific path recommended by SharePoint, then upgrading between major releases can be very problematic. Sitefinity continuously upgrades its modules and extensions to offer an enhanced user experience.

As we continue to monitor both the commercial CMS products, we observe that Sitefinity has improved and gained ground over the competition for its extensive functionalities, scalability, competitive pricing model and overall ease of use.

For more information on how Sitefinity can help you with your project, give us a call and we will get back to you.

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