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Understanding WordPress Ransomware Attacks and How to Protect Your Website Against It

What would happen to your business if criminals blocked your WordPress site and infected it with a ransomware? It is stated that in every 40 seconds this is exactly what happens and all these WordPress ransomware attempts on an average costs businesses about $75 billion a year. Unfortunately, the ransomware attacks are increasing day by day and is also likely to increase this year, which means that your WordPress website will be in danger.

WordPress Ransomware Attack Banner

What is a Ransomware?

It is a form of malware that enters a computer system through some malicious codes which are either inserted into an email or a video content or as an attachment. Once the attachment is opened, the code enters the system and locks the computer file, thereby keeping the owner and the authorized users out of it. This is then followed by a demand for money in order to remove the virus or get the key to regain entry. This is done by sending a thread of erasing the database or stealing crucial business information and releasing it publicly.

Why is Your WordPress Website Development at Risk?

Although most WordPress CMS development services are used for blogging or as an ecommerce platform, it isn’t just the number game that makes it a targeting site. The popularity of the platform also attracts the attackers and most of them come from phishing attempts and other scams that are online. The simple fact is that most business owners are simply not aware of how insecure their sites are and those who know the dangers often cannot afford the cost of advanced security. No one really believes that it can happen to them until their sites are hacked. An ecommerce operation or the brand image of the WordPress site can be destroyed within a few minutes. Ransomware usually happens if you

  1. Lack the routine security audits
  2. Lack the access of control that regulates the access rights of the users
  3. Inadequate cyber security training to the employees
  4. Outdated security software or application
  5. No uniform security policy

What should You do Once Your WordPress Website has been Attacked?

Experts have recommended that those who have become the victims of ransomware attacks should not pay the ransom as there is no way to unlock your encrypted files later on. Paying the attacker means losing your money with no remedy for the attack. This though sounds hopeless, but there is a way out if you are infected, provided that you have already chosen a WordPress CMS development company that conducts a regular backup of your site. However, even if you gain access to the database or codes, you will still need to hire a dedicated WordPress developer to fix all the broken codes.

The Best Means to Keep Your Site Secured is to:

Download from Trusted Sources:

The open source nature of WordPress CMS development often makes it a bad platform because it is easier for the criminals to insert anything in the source codes. So, if you have plans to use WordPress plugins or extensions, then make sure that you always download them from a reputable source that checks the software and the apps for any vulnerabilities before they are released.

Consider Backups as Part of Your Regular Routine:

As mentioned above that it is highly important to take a backup of your website on a regular basis so that you can easily get back all the data in case of any mishappenings. Regular backups that are stored separately will protect individual and business data and save you if someone hijacks your files.

A Guide to Using WordPress Sliders For Effective Communication

Install a VPN on All Networks and Devices:

Virtual Private networks allow you to hide the IP address and provide end to end encryption from the router to your device. Ensure that you install a VPN on all the devices that you use and also insist that all the vendors do the same. Choose the one that uses the latest DNS leak protection, SSL authentication and encryption protocols.


Today, organizations of all sizes are at a high risk of ransomware attack. So keep your WordPress website fully secure by investing in a security service that will protect your data, monitor your network and store your data in a secured place.

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