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What’s New in Sitefinity 8.0: A Look

Marketers, business managers and of course developers, if you are yet to discover the power behind Sitefinity CMS for your business, then you are missing a great opportunity to maximize your users’ online experience. With a CMS like Sitefinity, you can ensure an engaging and seamless user experience for both your employees and customers. Telerik released the latest version of Sitefility 8.0 on March 17th, 2015. And this release has brought with it important technology updates, improved support for most responsive frameworks, new enterprise features and performance boosts.


We all are aware of the fact that Sitefinity CMS system is popular for its cool features like easy to use, lightweight, customizable, scalable and secure. It is very useful for simple business websites as well as commercial sites. The editing features offer great flexibility to create as well as manage content without any hassles.

Highlights of The Updated Version 8.0

  • Page pre-compilation tools: While updating a Sitefinity site, the first request for a page typically takes a performance hit when the web app is caching and recompiling that particular page. The latest version offers a page pre-compilation tool that compiles the generated markup in advance. This often reduces the processor load on the server and eliminates waiting time of the page.
  • Digital marketing command center: This is a powerful marketing engine that allows you to enhance the customer experience and increase the conversion rates. Integrating this with your site helps to determine the best marketing campaigns that are contributing to your business success. You can find the best potential customers and increase your business sales. The Digital Experience Cloud is the unified marketing command center that allows marketers to drive sales by optimizing and understanding each customer’s journey.
  • Integrated marketing dashboard: This feature offers a daily insight about how your visitors are interacting with your site and what can make them convert to sales. With a visibility into the most performing campaigns and improved KPIs, you can easily start with better decisions that can help you to convert your visitors to sales.
  • Responsive frameworks: To remain competitive in the market, it is very important for every site to appear good on various desk top browsers, mobile devices and tablets. Responsive layouts offer these capabilities and Sitefinity has these features in it. But in the latest version, it is now bundling Foundation, Bootstrap and Semantic UI to allow the designers to create designs on any of these popular responsive frameworks. Developers can also add support through new resource package feature, which is essentially a theme that includes scripts, style sheets, layout templates and images.
  • The MVC goodness: One of the chief reasons behind Sitefinity’s immense popularity is that clients can create customized websites with high degree of extensibility that allows them to do anything that they want. The latest version has 20 new MVC components. With these, you get more tools to create modern, clean and responsive web experiences. It also introduces MVC widgets for social sharing, search, images and image galleries. There are also many front end components that support drag and drop, infinite scroll and image selectors and etc.
  • Multi site improvements: Sitefinity 8.0 allows you to bring more brands, content authors and regions into one system and helps to manage entire global presence. Workflows per site enable you to assign content editors and approvers for any brand, region or topic easily. The taxonomies also allow you to set independent information architectures and the granular site sync offers the freedom to deploy every experience from anywhere in the world.
  • Data connectors: With data connectors from Microsoft Dynamics CRM, SQL databases and Salesforce.com, Sitefinity allows you to integrate customer interactions from various records with ease. So if you want to know which marketing assets are best for your business for the next month, then simply set the goals and you will start getting important insights from the DEC cloud connector.

The chief aim of this CMS platform is to stay on the leading edge of technology. With the latest release of 8.0, it guarantees that the platform will continuously evolve with the industry and provide opportunity for various developing companies to offer their customers best in class solutions that are up to date, relevant and based on latest technologies.

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